Hello. This is my personal site. If you want to know about me, you just have to keep reading a little bit more. For example,I can show you how skies are. Not just blue but grey, dark, bright or shinny pieces of art. A natural art ︎︎︎ There are a few things that define us. One of them is what we do for working. I mean, at least, it’s the 33 % of our time. The other 66 % can be distributed in time for joy and time to rest, whatever that means. For me, probably it would be seating in a nice restaurant with my partner and a good pet-nat in my glass, having some casual chat with my little mini-me, attending a LCD Soundsystem gig, cycling my Marin bike for 100 km ︎1.500 m or just uphilling a white mountain in the Capcir Paradise with my beloved friends ︎︎︎ I have lived in Alicante and Valencia before arriving in Barcelona and I have studied several disciplines that include Advertising, Marketing, Documental Photography, Typography, Sociology, Philosophy and Graphic Industries. Now, I’m seriously thinking about leaving the city for the mountain views ︎︎︎ Since 2010 I do teaching in several Graphic Design Schools. Elisava, CIC-Elisava, IDEP, LCI. In 2016 I was commissioned to run the Master in Editorial Graphic Design of ESDESIGN. 1 year later, I started to run the Master in Graphic Design as well ︎
If you want to contact me by email, click here; but please, just to say beautiful things. For professional inquires, don't hesitate to pass by Pino ︎
Here︎you have some lyrics by Jarvis︎Sing along with the common people︎︎︎Sing along︎and it might just get you︎through︎︎︎Laugh along︎with the︎common people︎︎︎Laugh︎along even though︎they're laughing︎at you︎︎︎And the stupid things that︎you do︎︎︎︎Because︎you think that poor is cool.